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Bright Mixed Bouquet

Send a beautiful bouquet of loose wrapped flowers in seasonal colors.  A perfect way to say "Thanks", "Way to Go!" "Just For You" or even "To Brighten Your Day"
Flowers chosen will vary with season and color scheme will be a mix of bright colors suitable for male or female.  Bouquet will be wrapped in colorful tissue and clear cellophane and accented with a bow in the Credit Unions colors. 

Item# MFCU#2

$75.00 Inclusive


Peace Lily in a Basket

Also known as the peace lily, this dark leafy plant with its delicate white blossoms makes a simply elegant gift. There's nothing small about the sentiment delivered along with this pretty plant.  Perfect as a "Congratulations" for a New Business or "With Deepest Sympathy" for a Funeral

 A brilliant green spathiphyllum is delivered in a natural wicker basket. Long live elegance! 

As Shown:  Item #T105-1A
